A long time ago there were two worlds. One was lush and green, similar to earth, the other was cold and barren. There existed a dichotomy and it is from whence free will evolved. The choices between dark and light, good and evil, love and fear, night and day, male and female evolved from these two worlds. As they merged so did our decision to evolve as a civilization. The fusion resulted in the white light that holds all power, all love, all sources of being.

We are on the plateau of a new discovery. Cosmic changes are about to result in a rebirth. New civilizations will emerge as a result of this cosmic chaos. This is not to be feared. It is the natural cleansing of the cosmos that must take place in order for us to evolve to the next level... one in which we will be able to tap into the universal energy source and learn to manifest that which we desire. In addition, our lines of communication will open even more fully so that we can begin to send and receive messages telepathically.

So rejoice in the dawn of a new day. We are here to guide and protect you. You have nothing to fear as long as you are open to the bounty that awaits you. Yes, there will be changes... but isn't that what you are waiting for? Aren't you the curious ones? The ones who are asking for answers to the questions that lurk in the back of your minds.

Go with the flow. Do not fight these changes. They must occur in order for the chaos to be minimized. There will be new civilizations that emerge and there will be new beings to meet and learn from.

It is for this reason that we must be open to these new lines of communication so that we may reap their knowledge, expertise and guidance. Their past is our future.

(Received by Debbie Purvis, March 24, 1998)