It is understandable that you would question our authenticity. We are truly here. On another dimension, mind you, but we are here to guide you, to provide insight and understanding into the events and milestones that are about to take place.

The consciousness of the earth being is about to evolve. We have been waiting for a long time. It is now time to move forward. There are quite a few people who are ready to accept the responsibilities of the new consciousness. It is with their assistance that the next dimension can be accessed. By living between two worlds, those enlightened with the new information will be able to assist the planet and its people to move forward instead of repeating past mistakes.

Geological disasters do not mean that we have to move backwards. In order to transcend, we must be prepared to accept responsibility for the new insight that is about to occur. Deep thought patterns will manifest into the reality realm. There will be those who will learn how to manifest thought into matter in he blink of an eye. Although is may appear magical, this will eventually become the norm.

Mankind must learn to believe in the power of the universe. We were created in the likeness of God. And we have all the tools and transcripts at our disposal. We must learn to look beyond the physical matter to the level, or dimension, where physical matter is only a thought. A though that has evolved into a present state of reality. Stagnate enough for us to view with our eyes and believe that it is real.

I know it seems as though I am babbling, but this preamble is an important introduction to the information that will be revealed as you proceed with these transcripts.

All this information is available to those who wish to enter the fifth dimension through an altered state, but given human's preoccupation with physical substance, we must find someone like you to meticulously record our message. We come from the light. We have evolved to a state where sustenance is not necessary for our survival. We live off the energy generated by love and positive thought vibrations. We resonate at a level that allows us to live at a higher frequency. One that does not require physical form to transport our souls. We pulse to the frequency of life. It  is joyous, blissful experience. One that many of you have already experienced and/or will experience again. Each has chosen his/her life plan. Evolving at the human level is slow, tedious and cumbersome. Why so many have chosen to experience it is a surprise to us. Especially given that many of you have already transcended to other levels of existence.

We know that some of you have chosen to return because your love of mankind (and the sensual experience of physical from) has called you to action. Your ability to raise the consciousness of the world (or at least influence those around you) has already made a big difference to the earth's current state of affairs.

There are those, however, who seem to be stuck. They keep coming back, but they do not seem to be moving forward, or even towards the next level, for that matter. They continue to ignore their connection to the planet, the animals, the trees, the rocks, and each other. They have lowered their frequency to such a state, that they will have to experience severe trauma (or a "shock") to get them charged back to the frequency that will lead them home.

You may be concerned about the destruction that may occur as a result of these "shocks". But remember that the short term suffering (and I mean short term) will move these "stuck" individuals to a realm that will enable them to grow and move forward. The earth will not be destroyed but there will be changes. And we are there to help.

She needs to be loved again and not taken so for granted. She has suffered at the hands of mankind and must take some time to heal. She must purge in order to renew. Mother earth does not want to hurt anyone or anything. Her fear and guilt come only from those who have sent it to her. Her only role is to love and nurture. Please allow her to do this. Please stop this torture. She is sad and confused.

And yet, there are those who are making a difference. Those who send love and spend time to help her rebuild and renew. This use of enlightened energy will definitely help to eradicate some of the destruction that was originally predicted. Keep encouraging those to do whatever they can to preserve nature's bounty.

In the future, it will be scientifically proven that love is an energy. One that is found vibrating in every cell of every living thing and all matter. This vibration resonates at such a high rate, it is capable of sustaining matter so that it can be physically perceived through our senses - that is the power of love at the third dimension.

When you send love to other, it magnifies and reverberates at an awesome rate. Love must be given without conditions in order to work at its optimum rate. Love with conditions (i.e. guilt, fear, anger, etc.) created empty pockets with the energy eco-system. These pockets create barriers to the free-flow of the love vibration. It is also in these pockets that lower frequency vibrations collect. Once they are released and dissipated, the love energy can flow and work at a much more effective level.

It is for this reason that we should be careful what we think or say. Minimizing the pockets of low energy will allow the high frequency energy to flow without restrictions. This will also help to minimize personal and global disasters.

The Enlightened Beings

Note: We are a large collective and who have chosen to communicated thoughts that are easy to undersigned by as many as possible. It is not our right to expose details on possible future outcomes or predictions because there is no such thing as the future. All there is is now. The future does not and never will exist. The past is only a perception of reality and continues to change. We are totally in charge of our present, providing that we accept responsibility for our actions and decisions. Allowing other to control our destinies, will lead to the altering of our ultimate life plan. Live for the moment while planning for tomorrow. Take responsibility for mankind and all living things. Love and respect the beauty of the universe. Be open to new beings, new truths, and enlightened states of consciousness for they are already there. Rejoice in being one with God.

(Received by Debbie Purvis)