The following e-mail was sent to us from Brigitte at the Starlight Center.

The Mayans believed that humanity would be moving into a higher dimension around this time period. They called the end of this calendar cycle the End of Time, stating that humanity would no longer need a calendar depicting linear time, for we would be moving into a higher dimension. The end of the Mayan Calendar has been calculated to be between December, 2011 and 2012, or 2013, but when it is correlated to our Gregorian calendar, it may actually end around 2000 A.D. This correlates with the alignment of the Earth and Sun to the galactic core, which would be the definitive astronomical ending point of the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is known to be based on galactic cycles.

The center of our Milky Way is now entering a cyclical explosive phase of galactic core explosions.

Powerful galactic discharges occur every ten-thousand years or so, the last one having taken place about 9,500 BC. Astrophysicists have determined that such a cyclic cosmic event is currently underway. According to La Violette, as many as two super waves may be speeding our way from our Milky Way galactic core.

The Ulysses satellite has recently deteacted interstellar dust clouds presently entering our solar system from the direction of our galactic core.

As solar storm activity increases and peaks, we can expect an increase in severe weather, earthquakes and volcanoes. There is a direct link between solar storms (sun spots) and Earths' weather. Accordingly we can expect solar and earth changes to continue escalating through the year 2000 and beyond.

Beyond the May 5, 2000 "time window," astronomers tell us that most of the planets of our solar system are scheduled to form into a near- straight array.  This impressive planetary alignment is estimated to occur once each half-million years. The combined effect of this planetary gravitational and magnetic field line-up will apply additional stress upon each planet, thereby setting the stage for a dramatic rise in Earths' seismic/volcanic activity. This "ducks in a row" relationship will also probably stimulate an increase in solar storm activity. Scientists have recently discovered that sunspot dynamics are directly influenced by the aspects formed to it by its' orbiting planets.

And to top it all off, the seismologist, Vadim Anfiloff has found that our Earths' ongoing contraction is subjecting its' mantle and overlaying crust to greater than ever internal pressure and stress.

Our Sun is close to reaching its' solar flare 11 year cycle peak.

Scientists predict the next solar cycle (#23) to be the largest solar maximum in recorded history. The Suns' maximum cycle will peak early in the millenium and has already produced the largest coronal mass ejections ever recorded.

Level D8: Scientists are expecting the storm of the millennium to occur. It is predicted that compass needles will fluctuate, and that radio, TV, telephone, computer and satellite communications, power lines and radar systems will be disrupted.

The book titled, "Earth Under Fire," by LaViolette, correlates these ancient events with the latest geological evidence from the Greenland and Icelandic ice core studies. What they found was physical evidence of an Earth crustal shift, increased climatic temperatures, increased cosmic radiation dust, and a possible polar axis shift, all occurring around 9500 B.C. LaViolette believes that a galactic core explosion affected our Sun, inducing increased solar storms, which then affected our Earth.

Nick Fiorenzas' research coincides with the message of the Sphinx. The equatorial plane of the Earth, known as the ecliptic, aligns with the ecliptic of the Sun, at the same time that they both align with the ecliptic of the galactic core. This unique alignment occurs only four times during the precession of the equinox cycle, corresponding with the Four Corners of the World. The last configuration similar to this upcoming alignment corresponded to around 9500 B.C. He believes there will be major earth changes as in the time of the sinking of Atlantis and the Great Flood, but with one addition, that being a possible dimensional shift.

Scientists have found an energetic mass in the center of our galaxy.  They have theorized that this mass is a dimensional doorway whereby energy from a higher dimension is stepped down and distributed to our galaxy.

Science postulates that at the center of all galaxies lies such an energetic mass. In 1992, a new frequency was found to be emitted from all known galactic cores which would have altered the rhythmic pulsation and cause changes to occur throughout the Sacred Circuit.

In his book, "Awakening to Zero Point," Gregg Braden describes many of the changes occurring on the Earth and how they are affecting us in our daily life. The magnetic field of the Earth is decreasing due to a slowing of Earths' rotation. We are experiencing an intensification of our emotions and an increased difficulty in memory recall, because our emotional body and memory are closely connected with the Earths' magnetic field. Braden also states that the Earths' "heartbeat," or the Schuman Resonance Frequency, is increasing, which we experience as a sense that time is speeding up. This also tends to bring up deep emotional issues in order to be healed, often creating tensions and conflicts in our personal relationships.

The Sun has been shrinking at a rate of 16 kilometers per year. As this shrinkage continues, it could reach a point where it collapses into a dwarf star. This would create intense solar-magnetic field changes and shifts in the solar wind density, possibly affecting the equilibrium of the planets. There could also occur an ejection of the outer coronal shell. Stan Deyo, reports that in 1991, an outer layer of the Sun's corona had vanished and the Sun began emitting a different range of spectral emissions. Due to these dramatic and unexpected changes, the world governments have recently launched a number of solar probes as a part of the "Solar-Terrestrial Explorer" (ISTP) program.

Steven Hanauer