Mistletoe - Cut

Price: $2.00

Mistletoe is considered to be a plant of male energy, associated with the sun, element of air and Gods Apollo, Venus, Freya, Odin and Balder. The herb is incorporated in both Yule and Midsummer festivals. Mistletoe is used in spells to attract love, for protection, forgiveness & reconciliation, to increase sexual potency in men and to help conceive. It can be burned to banish unwanted spirits, laid across the threshold of the bedroom to banish unpleasant dreams, hung in the home to attract love and drive away negative influence and carried as a general protective amulet. Its wood is useful for making wands and other ritual tools. Mistletoe is toxic. While you'd have to eat a lot of it to kill yourself with it, pets and small children are at a great risk. Mistletoe berries should never be taken internally.

*Packaged in a 3"x 3" ziploc bag.

Collection: Herbs