I am White Buffalo Woman. The end is near. This does not mean the end of our physical world... it means the end of our consciousness, as we know it. Did you know that our evolution has been delayed due to your fear of transformation? As we patiently wait for you to find your way, you seem to become more lost. How is this possible when you have everything you need to make the choice to move forward?

If only you would realize that fear DOES NOT EXIST. It is the absence of love... THAT IS ALL. We love you... all... unconditionally. You are a highly evolved, physical species that is ready to move forward. Why do you hold yourselves back? What is it that you are really looking for? What are you afraid of losing? We are here to guide you, to show you the way, to share our love and reassurance. Do not doubt that our reason for being is to assist you on your journey. We have been around for hundreds and thousands of years – by human standards anyway. We want what you want... that is if you know what it is you want.

The transformation has begun. The energies have shifted. We are ready and waiting for you to “see the light”... our light of love and creation. Please release the shackles that hold you back. Dissolve the boundaries of limitation. Release the anger, hatred, jealously, and sarcasm that keeps you emerged in the mire of humankind. Deliver the message. Share the word with as many people as you can. We are about to move ahead and we encourage you to join.

Raise you attention to the frequencies. The whale energies HAVE strengthened the earth's grid. They are prepared for the sacrifices that must be made. The only earth catastrophes are those that already exist – this is not the end of the world; it is the dawn of a new civilization. Soon those who are ready will see the dimensions that exist between he dimensions. They will have a choice as to where they want to be. If they learn to master the art of transformation they will be able to live on many worlds with an awareness of this (currently memory only exists for one world at a time).

You have the ability to change your destiny and that of mankind. You are already doing it and have already done it. You are creators. Every moment of your existence, whether that be as a light body or physical form, is engaged in creation. It honors the law of cause and effect. Your thoughts carve out your existence and your destiny. The energy you emit acts as a magnet for the energy (thoughts you attract).

Please try to let go of the past. It is debilitating. Instead – be free. Open your mind to the limitless possibilities that await. Close the door on negative thoughts, words, beliefs and attitudes. Let go of doubt and judgement. Live your life with joy and bliss. Love as if you mean it. Act as if the whole world is watching... we are. We observe; we guide; we nudge; and we love. We are there for you always.

But now is the time to move... to let go of comfort and strive to find your true self. Re-commune with nature. Fly with the birds. Blow like the wind. It is your turn now. This is why you chose to be here – either to help or to grow. Be true to your mission. The time is NOW.

I am White Buffalo Woman. Prophecies only exist as long as humankind doubts his/her connection to the higher source. It is the fear of the unknown combined with our desire to know that creates this void. The only thing you need to know is that you are one with the source – the source of love & light. The decisions you make while on your odyssey are yours alone. Your world only exists in your mind. Transcend the limitations of your thought forms. Open your "eyes" & see. Are we not all one? Do we not all want the same thing?

We have chosen human form to experience. That is it. We come from a unified place where the past and the future do not exist. When you took from the Tree of Knowledge you became burdened with the responsibility of controlling your destiny. You forgot why you chose to come here in the first place. You allowed guilt to be your teacher. Deception clouded your world. You lost your connection with the God source.

You have been given the opportunity to return to the Source. When you are ready, we will be there waiting for you. We are anxious for your return. Sometimes you forget to "call home" as you get busy with your human-ness. We are always with you. And it is through your need to "know" that we come to you now. Remember to follow your “heart”. This is the "umbilical" cord that keeps us connected. This is how we know your pain and your joy. We love you unconditionally. There is only now... rejoice in the moment, for it is all there is.

I am White Buffalo Woman. Do not be concerned about the death of the white buffalo. All is according to plan. By sacrificing this creature, we have actually further joined the human race to the creator. The lightworkers have been called. This is their sign to take action. They must no longer rest on their laurels. It is time to take responsibility for the thoughts, actions, and deeds on the world in which they live. The information will soon reach critical mass. It is time to share the wisdom with all you know.

Honor the medicine of your ancestors. Return to your roots. Be one with the creator. Sing the song of the universe. We have launched into our awakening. It started with the eclipse last August (your time) and will continue most dramatically for two years from that date. It is time to release the old to make way for the new frequency. This mutation will prepare you for what is to come. You will be able to tap into the power of the universe to receive all love, all knowing, all energy. You will heal the holes in your soul and move forward dimensionally. You will radiate with light and love. You will be able to travel between the dimensions of this dimension and remember. You will be able to make rights out of wrongs. You will learn to live harmoniously and with peace. Yes, this "day" will come.

We are with you always. We watch over you and applaud your progress and your commitment to grow. You are all trailblazers – setting the path afire so that those who are unaware will have a path to follow, if they so chose. We know that things are speeding up for all those who are reading these words. Do not be alarmed. This is the quickening. You are leaning the power of manifesting your intentions. You are learning the power of manifesting your intentions. You are learning to honor your dreams and desires, with wisdom and integrity. You are learning to love without conditions and expectations. Radiate with the goddess energy. Laugh at the joy of life. Live in a state of bliss... always. Invite change and growth into your life. You are children of the universe. Reclaim your birthright. You are one with God!

(Received by Debbie Purvis)