A Great Hello to All!

You know over the centuries many have said that they have the secrets of life. Most believed within their beings that they really did have a secret that had been withheld from the masses. Some did, indeed, have a key to understanding life, and those that were truly involved in finding and obtaining a truth were more than willing to share their findings. Others who were not so evolved spiritually simply kept it to themselves and tried to lead groups of people in return for their support and adulation. They offered to share their knowledge if and only if the followers were worthy. Over the years this has occurred numerous times and in fact is still occurring in this day and age. What we are trying to tell each of you is that there are no secrets to life. There are understandings that are yet to be understood, but they are no secrets. No one who walks the Earth truly understands the functioning of this Earth, let alone the Universe. This is a very complex topic and with each passing generation new and thought provoking ideas are shared. Some ideas are based in truth and others are simply misunderstandings. Each of you have thoughts and ideas that intrigue your mind and opens your soul to reach for truths. Some people are drawn to spend their lives in search of the truths that can change the world, and others are satisfied with what they believe to be true. Neither is better than the other, simply different. Each being is unique. Each one has his or her own gifts and understandings. Each being upon this earth holds a piece of the puzzle; each understands a small piece of the whole. Some pieces are small, others are large, and there are many in between. So we urge each of you who are drawn to work out the truths of the lives in which you live, to begin by honestly sharing with each other. Share thoughts, ideas and begin to piece the puzzle together, person by person. Converse and congregrate together with honesty and without leadership. This is be more productive than anyone trying to do this alone. When people finally understand that no one person or group holds the whole truth, and that each person is an equal partner in finding the truths, then real progress can and will begin. Starting today, talk to others and listen to what they have to say and soon you will see patterns emerge. These patterns will lead you to putting the pieces of this very fascinating puzzle together. Remember, each and every being holds a piece of the truth that makes up the whole. No one piece is more important than another, for without one piece the whole will be incomplete.

That is all for now, remember to believe in yourself... for we believe in you! With all our light love and laugher... be happy!

Channelled by Kathy Forestall