Beeswax Pillar Candle - 3.5" diameter x 4.5" high

Price: $39.95

Dimentions - 3.5" diameter x 4.5" high

Burn Time - 225-250 hours

What are the benefits of burning beeswax candles?

1) Produce negative ions, which cleanse the air of dust, odours, toxins, and pollens, as well as harmonize and balance the human spirit!

2) Are completely non-toxic, non-allergenic and non-carcinogenic. With their healthful negative ions and warm, halo glow they act like indoor air purifiers.

3) Are longer burning than any other candles, including vegetable/soy waxes.

4) Burn with a bright, golden halo while exuding a natural aromatic, honey essence.

5) Are proven to be beneficial for people who have allergies, environmental sensitivities or just too much stress in their life.