Quartz - Snow Tumbled Stone

Price: $1.00

Snow Quartz has a wonderfully smooth vibration, and is a nice addition to one's medicine bag. Also called Milky Quartz and Quartzite, Snow Quartz is a delicate, opaque white form of Quartz and is found in Brazil, US, and Mexico.

Snow Quartz has a gentler, more soothing vibrational quality than Clear Quartz. It reminds us to look at the world through the innocent eyes of a child and remember that there is still wonder in the world. Native Americans attributed the snowy white quartz to the Snow Moon (the full moon of January and February) and the North Wind. Keep a Snow Quartz in your car or carry with you during travels in snow.

The female version of Clear Quartz, Snow Quartz provides peaceful energies in a whirlwind environment. It offers clarity of mind and aides in studying, as well as a reminder to finish that paperwork. Often found in gold mines, Snow Quartz is often used for prosperity and luck.

Physically, Snow Quartz helps bones, teeth, bone marrow and the absorption of calcium. It can soothe those facing early menopause as well as those already dealing with the symptoms. Snow Quartz is also helpful for lactating mothers.

Topic: Gemstones
Collection: Tumbled